Which Dog Breed Should the Obama Family Take To The White House

As everyone knows if you are living in the US, we have a new President about to take office. This inauguration this takes place on this Tues, Jan 20th. The country as a whole is looking forward to some sort of change, though we may not know exactly what that is.

With a new President the tradition of a family White House dog comes as well. The Obama family has narrowed the search down to 2 breeds. The Labradoole or the Portuguese Water Dog. The Obama girls have some allergies that requires the family get a dog that is hypoallergenic, which is the reason for the choice between these two brees.

As dog trainers we find this fun news to follow up on and we thought we’d have some fun with the many “dog people” out there and have your vote count once again. Take the poll below and vote for which dog breed the Obama’s should pick.

We’ll be following up with dog training stories, dog walking stories and all sorts of fun dog news… so go ahead, let us know what you think. We’ll keep up on the online dog stories & training for your next political conversation piece!

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