Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade – San Diego

Gaslamp holiday pet parade – San Diego
Click on the above link to get details on San Diego Dog Friendly Holiday Event

Now go have some fun with your dog and remember that if your dog hasn’t done activities like this in the past you can do a few things to make the experience better for you both. A well balanced dog is one that can hang out with you in your lifestyle. Exercise is key to any well trained dog’s life.

Take your dog for a walk, jog or run prior to the event. Burn off that edge that may make it difficult to contain the excitement in new surroundings, other dogs and food. As an added benefit your dog will have the chance to take care of the “gotta go” thing and you won’t have to run around with your bag during the event. Always be prepared though, a big mess isn’t going to encourage more planned dog events in the future! Good owner, good dog, good times!

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©Jt Clough and K9 Coach Inc 2009

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