Dog Owners More Likely To Maintain Exercise Program

The food eating frenzy is over.  With the passing of New Year’s Day, the food-fests go with it.  From Thanksgiving to New Year’s everything seems to be planned around parties with food that’s very tasty but is now being worn around our bellies.

The time has come.  Good news for dog owners when it comes to this subject.  Studies show that people who own dogs are much more likely to get started on an exercise program.

The even better news and the big surprise to researchers…. studies also show that people who started an exercise program with their dog show big improvement while those who started similar programs without dogs began making excuses, showing little improvement. 

Another interesting fact was the speed of walking, jogging, or running increased by 28% for those training with dogs versus those without a dog with only a 4% increase.  Not that it is the most important thing on the agenda but it does make one feel like they are really doing something when the pace picks up on a natural basis.

Even so, we all tend to need a little added motivation when it comes to starting a program.  Walking or running is the easiest to get into, and for the most part the most effective.  Joining a gym which many do right after the first of the year feels like motivation but more often than not becomes overwhelming.

A gym can be intimidating and feeling like you “belong” doesn’t come easy.  The failure rate is high due to feeling like you don’t know what you are doing.  Again, a walking or running program you can do without the scrutiny of long time gym members eyes.

Having something other than weight loss or getting fit to focus on helps immensely with motivation.  Your dog as your training partner can be a big inspiration as well.  After all, you can rely on your dog to show up every single time.  A training partner increases your chances of success greatly.

A training plan written out for you increases your chances of enjoying the exercise,  knowing what to do and how to do it safely.  Give yourself something to focus on while you are establishing your exercise, diet and nutrition routine.  Stick with your new plan plan by signing up for our Canine Cross Training: Running your 1st 5K! 

Even if signing up for the 5K or 10K isn’t in your list of things you really want to do, having a training plan clearly written out for you and the assistance of your reliable dog training partner will get you to the ultimate goal:  fitness, weight loss, and a healthy you.

So get your dog and get started.  There is no more time to waste in the game of life.  Health and fitness are the foundation to everything else.  Get your dog, get your training plan and get started today.

*Note about the author:  Jt Clough is a professional dog trainer who has studied and applied how to create a balanced life through calm dog training techniques with her long time commitment to health and fitness.  A finisher of 9 Ironmans among many other fitness accomplishments along with her life partner Gary Guller who has reached the summit of Mt. Everest, bringing inspiration to others for a lifestyle that includes health and fitness is giving back to the world all the joys it has given.

San Diego Dog Training Camps & Private Coaching

Canine Cross Training Health & Fitness Programs

©Jt Clough and K9 Coach, Inc. 2010

1 thought on “Dog Owners More Likely To Maintain Exercise Program”

  1. It's strange because if I miss a workout, I'll feel a bit guilty. But if I miss the odd walk for my two dogs, I'll feel twice as guilty. So yes I certainly agree. Dogs are great training partners for fitness!

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